Saturday, 25 November 2017

Field Trip 2017

The trip was planned earlier this year, and should have taken place on 20th September. However, it was postponed to a later date (in November) due to participation of some of our pupils in Program Kecemerlangan Prasekolah Negeri Selangor.

The boys and girls were taken to Zoo Negara and Giant Panda Conservation Center on the second of November. Weather was the utmost concern, as it has started to rain almost on a daily basis at that time and we could just pray that we'll have enough time to explore the zoo.

Luckily for us, it was fine throughout our trip, even though it rained a bit when we first boarded the bus at school
Excited faces onboard.

We walked and walked, and walked. 

At the Bear House.

All seated for the animal show.

The binturong walking overhead.

Watching a sea lion jumped!

The trainer with chickens trailing behind her.

Ready for lunch!

After lunch at The Wild restaurant.

Let's go on a tram ride!

Fun ride on the trams.

A group photo outside the Giant Panda Conservation Centre.

Where's the panda?

Another group photo, this time inside the pandas' quarters.

A sleeping panda at the back.

Watching a hippo mom and her little one.

On the tram ride back to the zoo entrance.

Open Day 2017

This is a backdated entry.

The Open Day (or Report Card Day, as some may be familiar with) was held on July 7th, 2017.
Parents spent time with their children's classroom teachers to find out how their children were doing for the first semester, and discussed what should be done to help improve their children's learning.
The number of parents who turned up was good. 

Discussing, in Permata Satu.
Parents in Permata Satu waiting for their turns.

The teacher with a pupil's mother in Permata Dua
Registering their name in Permata Dua.